
1. Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

Buat yang tertarik mempelajari Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) atau dalam bahasa Inggris Artificial Neural Network (ANN), e-book ini mungkin bisa bermanfaat.

a. An introduction to Neural Networks

b. Principles of ANN

2. Termodinamika dan Pindah Panas

Beberapa e-book terkait termodinamika dan pindah panas yang bisa didownload. Moga bermanfaat.

a. Heat Transfer Textbook

b. Heat Transfer Handbook

c. Heat Transfer Calculations

d. Theory and Problems of Thermodynamics for Engineers : part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

e. Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach : part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

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3. Postharvest Handling

a. Drying Fruits and Vegetables

b. Food engineering quality and competitiveness in small food industry systems

c. Food Irradiation


e. Mycotoxins in Fruits and Vegetables: part 01, part 02

f. Freshness of Fruits and Vegetables – Concept and Perception: part 01, part 02

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4. Kimia

a. Fundamentals Handbook of Chemistry_Vol.1

b. Fundamentals Handbook of Chemistry_Vol.2

c. Chemical Engineering: part 01, part 02, part 03, part 04

d. Analytical Chemistry Handbook: part 01, part 02, part 03

e. Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations: part 01, part 02, part 03

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